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Foundation is very grateful to the following contributors for their generous
support of this life changing work.
- Fred
W. Alpers, Ohio
- Doris
& Alex Bally, Pennsylvania
- Bass and Khury,
Inc., Nevada
- Adelaide
Braun, Pennsylvania
- Mona
& W. Boyd Callender, Pennsylvania
- Eleanor
Christy, Pennsylvania
- Kathy
& Robert Christy, Pennsylvania
- Larry
Christy, Virginia
- Henry Crutcher, Georgia
- Lora
Erickson-Dempsey & Michael Dempsey, Virginia
- Holly
& Joseph Dencker, Colorado
- Kendall
Dorsett, California
- Elderton
State Bank, Pennsylvania
- Violet
& David Elmore, California
- Phyllis Elwell, New Jersey
- Marilyn
Gearhart, Pennsylvania
- Carol
Gardner & Terry Thomas, Virginia
- Cary
& Jeff Goodstein, Virginia
- Shelley Herson,
New Hampshire
- Don Heuer, Arkansas
- Mary
& Michael Holden, Arizona
- Roger
Hutchings, M.D., Oregon
- Ed
Jacobs, New York
- John W. James,
- Donna
M. Kaiser, Pennsylvania
- Roy Kirkman, Colorado
- Karen
& Jeffry Klugman, M.D., Connecticut
- Sam
Marx, Pennsylvania
- Morley
G. Melden, New York
- Walter
M. Noel, Connecticut
- Darla
& Robert Phelps, Virginia
- Paul Schimmel,
Ph.D., California
- Robert Shure, Vermont
- Theron Skyles, California
- Gerald
L. Smith, D.D.S., Texas
- Leslie
Smith-Kennedy, Colorado
- Lynn
Sparrow, Virginia
- Stark
& Roth Investments, Wisconsin
- John M.
Stoklosa, Minnesota
- Stewart
Sugarman, M.D., Connecticut
- Francis
Sweeney, Massachusetts
- Hans Tauchnitz, Pennsylvania
- Transact
Corporation, Wyoming
- Trendvest
Corporation, Virginia
- Trendvest
Corporation, Wyoming
- Chizuko Tsuyama, Japan
- Naftali
Wachsman, England
- David
E. Walbert, Florida
- Charlotte
& David F. Walbert, Esq., Georgia
- Nancy Young,
In the interest of financial integrity and accountability Thirders
Foundation, Inc. makes any and all of our financial information available for
public inspection upon request. We do not disclose any personal information regarding
individual contributors other than listing them by name and state or country on
this website in recognition and gratitude for their support unless they request
to be listed anonymously. We do not share contributor information with any other
organization or entity in order to protect the personal
privacy of these individuals.
tax-deductible charitable contributions can be sent to: Thirders Foundation, Inc., R.D. #1, Box 204, Shelocta, PA 15774.
If you prefer the convenience and security of donating online please click on
one of the links below.

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